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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Jumat, 15 September 2017

Puisi Religi (Nikmat)

Datang dan pergi sesukamu
Tak ku minta, kau hadir
Ku harap, kaupun pergi
Silih berganti dan terus berulang seperti itu

Kata orang, kau harus selalu diharapkan setiap saat
Karena kehadiran menciptakan rasa senang, katanya
Tapi, ada juga hadirmu menciptakan kedukaan mendalam
Tapi, bagi sebagian orang itu tetap nikmat

Bahagia, sedih, duka, suka, semua adalah kau
Jika itu menciptakan rasa suka dan bahagia apa dayaku untuk menerima
Jika itu menciptakan rasa duka dan nestapa apa dayaku untuk pasrah dan bersabar
Daku hanya seonggok daging dengan akal terbatas
Bisaku hanya meminta dan meminta
Berharap nikmat itu selalu ada

Tuk mengingatkanku pada Yang Kuasa

Minggu, 10 September 2017

Pemilu Raya Dentri dan OSIS 2017/2018

 Pemilu raya sudah menjadi acara wajib yang diadakan setiap tahun di Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Amanah. Berbagai persiapan sudah disiapkan oleh panitia diantaranya menempelkan poster para santri yang akan di pilih pada pemilu raya nanti dan kampanye masing-masing calon ketua dentri dan OSIS pada malam hari sebelum pemilu raya diadakan.
Acara ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wadah bagi para santri untuk merasakan memilih para calon pemimpin berdasarkan hati nuraninya tidak dengan paksaaan dan mengamal asas LUBER JURDIL. Daftar santri yang menjadi calon ketua dentri putra adalah sebagai berikut:
Calon ketua dentri asrama putra:
1.    Abdul Rozzaqil Amin
2.    Dimas kelvindra Putra Pratama

Acara ini dilaksanakan pada hari Senin, 11 September 2017 mulai jam 08.30-10.00. Alhamdulillah acara ini berjalan cukup lancar, seluruh santri sangat antusias untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini terbukti dengan pada saat pemilihan ketua dentri dan OSIS para santri antre dengan tertib. Sebelum melakukan pemilihan KH. Nurcholis Misbah memberikan sedikit tausiyah tentang kepemimpinan. Acara ini semakin meriah dengan adanya hiburan patrol “unen-unen” dari kelas X MAB dan Seni Silat dari PERSIMA (Persatuan Silat Al-Amanah).

Semoga dengan diselenggaran acara ini akan terwujud generasi penerus bangsa yang memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan tanggung jawab yang tinggi serta mewujudkan Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Amanah yang lebih baik daripada sebelum-sebelumnya.

Jumat, 08 September 2017

What Is Your Brand?

Personal branding has grown tremendously since the Tom Peters management specialist-defined the term in 1997. Judging from the term, make sure you can guess. What is personal branding? Personal brand is a perception that is embedded and preserved in the minds of others. The ultimate goal is how the person has a positive outlook or positive perception so that we can achieve trust or trust from consumers. the goal is so that all that is sold always sold well in the market, always booming
Already know yet if by having a powerful brand, then the brand will work great for us. For example, brand sanyo, I personally just know if sanyo it is a trademark not a name of goods. But the village people always say if the tool to pump the water yes sanyo name.
Another example, the Aqua drink product also has a very strong branding. Before the advertisement version of "focus" came out indirectly Aqua brand has entered the hearts of people. The layman if you want to buy at the stall, say "bu, there aqua" although that is offered another brand, still called Aqua also, more precisely we will say "bu buy aqua alamo brand" whereas Aqua is a product brand, not the name of the goods. Especially now with their version of "focus" ads every person who ngalamun and not focused or misunderstood always you comment like this "There is Aqua ???" zooonk and I once ad aqua japan version of it.
Another example when I mention the name Dian Sastro what comes to mind? What's wrong with love, beautiful, smart
Well, that's personal branding !!
Next, when I call Dewi Persik, what comes to mind? Sword sexy, etc. call yourself or say what first comes to mind?
When I mention the following names:
• Soekarno
• Mark Zuckerburg
• Lionel Messi
• Leonardo Di Caprio

If their personal branding is strong, we will mention the same word for them. For example when I mention Lionel Messi, who crossed was a Barcelona player

With the existence of personal branding then we have differences in value with others. For example we have advantages or talents in how to communicate with others. We will more easily associate with the people around us because we are very reliable in communicating, then people meet us. identity You will be identified with what you have.

Selasa, 05 September 2017

Tips for Successful Start Up Enterprises

Some business opportunities that are encountered often become a trigger for the spirit to be realized as soon as possible. Opening and starting your own business is the solution.

Building your own business is certainly a dream and aspiration for some prospective entrepreneurs.
Have you ever had the desire to have your own business?
If traced, the desire to own a business based on the following 7 things,

· Bored to be an employee / employee
· Want to have more income
· Do not want time bound
· Have ideals to be a boss
· Want to change fate
· See promising business opportunities
· Have more capital

Opening your own business can be an opportunity for you to make money. If you are interested in opening your own business, I will give tips on steps that must be done before opening your own business.
Today, many people are getting harder to get a job, especially for people who do not have special skills. Opening your own business can be an opportunity for you to make money.
It can not be denied, the business itself sounds very tempting, a boss for yourself, work time can be more flexible, and the benefits gained if the business is a big success. However, the risk is much greater than being a company employee.
If you are interested in opening your own business, I will give tips on the steps that must be done when starting your own business.
1. Decide on a business idea. Adjust the business to be opened with the ability, interest or talent that we have, but without leaving the market opportunity factors that exist in the community. The number of successful entrepreneurs, because they choose the field of business they like. So we will always try to develop the business we have, with a happy feeling without any boredom or saturation that often arise. In addition it can also start a new business that has never existed in the market so that impressed unique and interesting, or open a business that has been in the market but has a huge market opportunity.
2. Create a vision and mission of the business. A business must have a clear vision and mission, so that the goals and business steps can be well structured to support the development of the business built.
3. Action. No matter how good a business idea we have, it will never be a successful business if we do not act immediately. Begin the effort that we plan with full confidence and perseverance, because running an effort to achieve success requires a long struggle and a long journey with hard work to be done.
4. Always learn and do observations. Observe entrepreneurs who have been successful with the same field, if our business is new to observe the management strategy they use. Another important thing is the deep knowledge of all matters relating to the business that we run, so that our products can be more innovative.
5. Face and enjoy obstacles or failures. Building a business to success is not easy, the obstacles and risk of failure almost always overshadow every business. For that we should always always think positive about the obstacles and failures that exist, because in every difficulty there will be ease if we want to work hard. Without us knowing, in a state of urgency one's creativity will increase to find the solution of the problem. Therefore, face and enjoy the business obstacles because it will strengthen our business mentality and increase our ability to build business.

Want to be more clear about how to start a business to succeed? watch the following video

The key to the success of starting a business is to dare to make our dreams a real business idea. Never be afraid of failing in starting a business, because any failure will provide valuable lessons for your business step. send regards for success

Minggu, 03 September 2017

September Ceria di Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Amanah

Bulan September merupakan bulan ke-9 dari penanggalan Masehi. Awal Bulan September bertepatan dengan perayaan Hari Raya umat islam di seluruh penjuru dunia, yaitu IDUL ADHA. Idul Adha, mendengar kata ini pasti kita langsung berpikir tentang penyembelihan hewan qurban (kambing, sapi, onta,), beberapa hari kedepan makan daging dan jeroan, dll. Hari Raya Idul Adha berlangsung pada tanggal 10 Dzulhijjah 1438 H, bertepatan dengan tanggal 1 September 2017.
Berqurban telah diperintahkan oleh Allah dalam Al-Qur’an surat Al-Kautsar ayat 2. Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Amanah melarang santrinya pulang pada Hari Raya Idul Adha karena pada hari ini para santri bisa belajar cara menyembelih dan hukum-hukum berkurban yang lain.

 Di pondok pesantren Al-Amanah, perayaan Idul Adha berlangsung sangat meriah. Dimulai dari shalat Idul Adha pada pagi hari, dilanjutkan dengan penyembelihan hewan qurban, yaitu kambing sebanyak 23 ekor dan sapi sebanyak 4 ekor. Pengurus pesantren juga mengadakan berbagai lomba, yaitu lomba kaligrafi pada pagi hari dan lomba puisi bersambung dan drama pada malam harinya.Keesokan harinya, diadakan lomba balap karung pada sore harinya dan lomba shalawat serta pembagian hadiah pada malam harinya. Para santri sangat senang dalam mengikuti berbagai acara tersebut, akan tetapi beberapa santri ada yang tidak menyukai perayaan Idul Adha karena mereka tidak menyukai lauk daging kambing dan jeroannya.

Soft Launching "Teri Crispy" Idaam Santri

Teri Crispy merupakan sebuah produk hasil keluaran siswa   STE (Sanggar Tahfidz Entrepreneur)   MA Bilingual. Produk ini merupakan makan...